
Print Books Outselling Ebooks

Print books outselling ebooks

Do you prefer the feel of a print book or the ease of use of an ebook? Much has been made about the demise of the traditional book format, however, The Association of American Publishers has interestingly revealed, that a larger percentage of the US population, 46%, chose to read only print books last year, compared to just 6%, who read ebooks exclusively—globally, it’s still a case of print books outselling ebooks.

Global Book Market

This is great news for all you book sellers out there competing for a share of the print book market worth $54bn in 2013. In comparison, e-book sales in 2013 were worth $8.4bn. Many people prefer ebooks as they offer the ability to carry your entire collection of books with you on the move. However, from the infographic below it seems many more of us prefer the feel of paper and the licking of your finger to turn a page.

Infographic: E-Books By The Numbers | Statista

You will find more statistics at Statista

Ebook Growth Stagnating

Ebook sales are on the rise over the last three years with revenue increasing from $69m in 2011 to $115m in 2013. However sales growth seems to have stagnated somewhat with sales growth in 2013 at just 5%.


Last week,  Amazon launched the Kindle Voyage, the latest addition to the Kindle family following the Kindle Paperwhite and Kindle. The Kindle Voyage has a high resolution 300 ppi display and it is marketed as the thinnest Kindle ever. Amazon has also been in the news over a pricing war with French publisher Hachette over the price of e-books.


It seems that the death of the traditional print book is a long way off as consumers continue to fall in love with a good page turner.

We help many book sellers to reprice competitively through RepricerExpress. If you’re a book seller or a third party seller of anything on Amazon, you may want to check out our free 15-day trial and see if repricing is for you.

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