
New: Advanced Amazon Repricing Features and Automations

We’re excited to announce advanced Amazon repricing repricing features and Automations are available for all RepricerExpress including new trials. Listening to customer feedback, we are committed to continuously improving our Amazon repricing software to help you increase sales and stay ahead of your competition.

You can now see products’ price history in detail. We’ve also added a host of enhancements to help you be more competitive including scenarios to prioritise FBA prices over lower MFN prices, Buy Box enhancements and advanced Min/Max options.

Finally, we’ve added new Automations functionality to auto-detect when long-term storage fees are due and move this stock to a more aggressive repricing rule. This is all in addition to recent updates to Buy Box data and Price War info.

See when you changed price, why you changed price and who you’re competing against.

With RepricerExpress you can now see your products’ price history in real detail.

Our Detailed History tab shows when your price changed, why it changed, its position, the competition low and high prices, Buy Box information and your sales too.

This is in addition to detailed information about who you competed with, Buy Box history, sales performance and other specifics about repricing rules and repricing frequency.

Detailed history of price changes

A host of enhancements to help you be more competitive

#1. Prioritise FBA prices over lower MFN prices

When a seller is set to price above their MFN competition but beat FBA, RepricerExpress will now check further scenarios—so if the lowest seller is MFN, it will check FBA and Amazon also, to work out the lowest of all. If the MFN settings put the seller above their FBA setting, RepricerExpress will now apply the FBA setting instead. There’s also an option to only apply the MFN price if no FBA sellers are in the top 20.

#2. Sleep Mode enhancements

Products that are set to ‘Do Not Reprice’ within any scenario settings will no longer go to Max if ‘Reset to Max’ is selected when Sleep Mode is on.

#3. Don’t ignore sellers who have not disclosed their county location

If sellers choose not to disclose their location on Amazon (it’s optional), RepricerExpress would have to ignore them if a seller chose to use the ‘include only’ option. RepricerExpress now has an option to add unknown location sellers to your competition in case there are a number of sellers in your included countries who have not set this on Amazon.

#4. Buy Box enhancements

If sellers choose the option, ‘Price Only Against the Seller Who Holds the Buy Box Spot’, then ‘Reprice as Normal’ settings will be ignored.

#5. Advanced Min/Max options

Instead of going to Min or Max under certain circumstances, sellers can now choose to Go to Min plus a percentage and/or a value—or—choose to Go to Max minus a percentage and/or value. This will give our users greater control over profitability and competitiveness inside the ceiling and floor prices.

#6. Reprice against refurbished products

Sellers can now strictly reprice against refurbished conditions only, as it has been split from the used condition and is now treated exclusively as its own condition.

#7. Compete against ‘New’ price if lower than ‘Used’

In some cases, the ‘New’ price on Amazon can actually be lower than ‘Used’ sellers, so now RepricerExpress users have the ability to compete with a ‘New’ price if it’s lower than all ‘Used’ prices. What’s more, they can choose to beat ‘New’ prices by a certain percentage and/or value.

#8. Consider sellers below Min

RepricerExpress is helping our users become ridiculously competitive with this setting. Unlike other solutions, our software will now consider sellers below your Min before deciding what your most competitive price can be above your Min. This simply allows the software to beat a broader range of competition whilst staying within your Min and Max range.

RepricerExpress Automations are here!

Now you can change repricing strategy automatically, based on sales, sales rank, stock info and a host of other important Amazon criteria.

With all this new information in RepricerExpress, we think it’s important that your products should be able to automatically move to various rules according to sales performance, Buy Box performance etc.

Our new Automations functionality allows you to do things such as:

  • Auto-detect long-term storage fees due and move to be more aggressive repricing rule to sell stock before Amazon charges its fees
  • Auto-detect low stock on Buy Box winners and move to a very high-profit strategy until more stock is available
  • Auto-detect Price Wars and move to a near Max repricing strategy to avoid throwing away all your profits.
  • Auto-move products to a more aggressive repricing strategy if sales have been non-existent for six months.
  • Auto-detect if your products have moved from MFN to FBA and switch to a different pricing strategy.

We’re excited to see how creative our sellers become with this functionality. It’s up to you how you wish to filter products and trigger movements from repricing rule to repricing rule to manage your stock, sales and profits.

Here are the triggers you’ll be able to use:

  • Product is FBA
  • Product is MFN
  • Stock quantity
  • Available since date
  • Sales rank
  • FBA long term storage fees due (6 and 12 months)
  • Sales value
  • Sales count
  • Price War
  • Best Seller
  • Won Buy Box in last x days
  • Haven’t won Buy Box in last x days
  • Repricing result (at Min, at Max, Lowest Seller etc.)

Serious functionality for serious Amazon sellers

If you’re serious about selling and making real profits on Amazon, RepricerExpress has launched some game changers that will make it much easier to plan and lock in sales for the long-term. What’s more, you can try out every feature for 15 days FREE (no credit card required).

Free trial


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