
How to Promote Your Amazon Listings and Sell More Products

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Unless you’re a seller who’s in the stage of restricting selling so you don’t grow too fast, this post is for you. We’ll talk about different ways you can promote your listings and stand out from the crowd on Amazon, and how each way can help you land more sales. And remember to check out the rest of RepricerExpress for more ways you can rock on.

1. Up Your SEO Game

This is arguably the most important thing you can do to promote your listings. By optimising them for SEO, you’re giving your listings the best chance possible of getting seen. But remember, Amazon’s A10 algorithm operates by its own set of rules, so here are the key things to evaluate in your listings:

  • Reviews: The more reviews you have — and they should be valid (i.e. not faked) and positive — then the higher you tend to rank on searches. Amazon’s already put incentivised reviews on the naughty list, so it’s more important than ever to work on getting legitimate feedback. If this is something you’re struggling with or just don’t want to deal with, then take a look at FeedbackExpress.
  • Metrics: Metrics, like your seller health and order defect rate, affect how you rank in searches. If you start to lag in those key areas, then Amazon won’t want to promote your listings because they figure it’ll lead to customer disappointment — and customer satisfaction is their top priority.
  • Keywords: You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Scope to help you figure out which search terms are most widely used, and then track that against what your top-ranked competitors are doing to see how you measure up.
  • Content: When you write your product description, focus on the emotion of the story to connect with your audience more strongly. Show, don’t tell, them how the item can fit in their lives and why they need it.

2. Get a Little Help From Your Sponsored Product Ads Friends

Sometimes great SEO isn’t a guarantee that your listings will be seen by the right people. To help increase visibility, consider working Sponsored Products Ads into your marketing strategy so your listings rank where you need them to.

The smart thing about this is you only pay if people click on them, which can be a win-win. If they don’t click, you save money (but should evaluate your campaign to see why). And if they do click, then you’ve gotten one step closer a sale.

3. Partner up with Influencers

Influencers can be worth their weight in gold for a couple of different reasons. One, they might have far more followers than you do, so your listing will reach a wider audience. Two, their followers might run in different circles than yours, so you’re casting a wider net.

4. Promote Your Amazon Listings on Social Media Platforms

Whether you’re a fan of social media or are in disdain of it, there’s no denying its power over the masses. People spend hours each day on various platforms sharing content, and if you don’t promote your listings on them, you’re missing out on a valuable opportunity to gain more sales.

But don’t just put up your listings the way you would on Amazon, because that’ll come off as too ad-ish. Instead, employ these practices:

  • Promote a contest surrounding a product. A contest or giveaway is a great way to promote your listings because it creates buzz and excitement.
  • Give people promo or coupon codes they can use on your listings. If I’m on a social media site and I see an ad, I’ll probably skip over it. But if I see a product I’m semi-interested in and a discount on it, I’m much more likely to have a longer, second look.
  • Indirectly promote your listings by sharing related videos or articles. Like the above point, I make a concerted effort to not click on ads. Articles and videos are a different story, though. I’ll almost always click on an interesting story related to my hobbies — if you can do that to your buyers, you can get your product to stick in their minds long after the video is over.

Bonus Tip: Use lightning deals to capitalise on impulse purchases. This is a highly effective tool that should be used very strategically, as it can lead to higher sales but sometimes at a cost of your overall profit.

5. Keep Your Listings Competitively Priced 24/7

We almost forgot about another way you can increase your sales: repricing competitively. But instead of wasting time coming up with your own rules and manually implementing them, let RepricerExpress automate that part of your life. If things like higher profits and Buy Boxes are missing from your life, sign up now — and kick things off with a 15-day free trial.

Kev Blackburn CTA


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