What was Repricer up to in 2022?

Update Amazon Shipping

Normally your product’s shipping rate won’t change on Amazon, but the time may come when you switch from paid shipping to free. Repricer now puts you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to kick off a refresh of your Amazon shipping fees on your Repricer Channel Screen.

Early Refresh Amazon fees

Repricer’s powerful Profit Calculator & Net Margin features use your Amazon fees to ensure that profit calculations are right on the money. Repricer will periodically update these fees, but we understand that sometimes you may need to refresh them sooner. That’s why we’ve added a new option on your Repricer Channel Screen to kick off an early refresh of your Amazon fees. 

Amazon SP-API Upgrades

Amazon has updated their API, moving to the brand new SP-API. At Repricer, we want to ensure your business is front of the queue when new updates are available and so, we have already moved your account over to using their new API. Although all these changes are under the hood, in future they will allow us to make our Amazon Repricer even better!

Contextual Help

Finding your bearings has never been easier with Repricer! We’ve added new contextual help to all major screens and features allowing you to quickly pull up a curated list of helpfiles and videos relating to that screen. Use these to get help or explore what you can do with a feature you’re not familiar with.

Find our contextual help on a Repricer screen near you!

Early eBay Inventory Download

Throughout the day Repricer will download your listings for you but sometimes you need them – and you need them imported yesterday! Sadly, we can’t do yesterday (We have yet to crack time travel!) but Repricer will let you kick off an import right away. For eBay, you can now commence an early download of your inventory which will add any new products whilst updating your stock. This is a feature already available for Amazon.

You can kick off an early import directly from your Channel Screen.

Buy Box Price & Winner in Exports

Information is power and Repricer now lets you have even better visibility of who has the Buy Box through your exports. An export of your products will now include each product’s Buy Box price and who has it, be it you, Amazon or a competitor! 

Export a file from your Product Screen or Import Screen.

eBay Repricing - Enable / Disable

Using our sister service eDesk for eBay but not yet ready for eBay Repricing? No problem! You can now disable eBay repricing to hide eBay products from your product screen and Dashboard. It’s easy, and you can do it on your Channel Screen.

When you’re ready for eBay Repricing, learn more about it here.

Test Mode Quick Access

Test Mode does what it says on the tin, it allows you to test your repricing and get set up without impacting your live Marketplace(s). When you’re ready you can exit Test Mode and start sending prices to Amazon/eBay. We’ve made Test Mode even better, allowing you to quickly see and update it directly on your Channel Screen.

eBay Filter Improvements

Filter your eBay products like a pro, you can now filter products if they configured / non-configured within Repricer along with their Repricing Status. Access your eBay filters on your eBay Product Screen.

Not yet Repricing eBay with Repricer? Learn why you should reconsider that here!

Refreshed Repricer Dashboard

Your Dashboard is your window into Repricing, which is why it is so important to understand what Repricer is doing. We’ve given your Dashboard a fresh coat of paint but also with the aim of keeping you better informed of your repricing activity! 

Our Dashboard header now includes eBay statistics and helpful insights into your repricing. Our brand-new Opportunities carousel also gives you invaluable advice on how you can make better use of Repricer, and most importantly, make more money!

Expanded Amazon Auto-Assign

Repricer’s Auto-Assign feature allows you to have your new products automatically assigned to a Repricing Rule and have their Minimum and Maximum prices set based on your desired formula. 

Repricer has expanded the feature, now giving you better control, including setting only a rule or Min Max independently. Learn more about Auto-Assign here.

Amazon Belgium

Amazon’s latest marketplace, Amazon.com.be has launched and Repricer users have a front-row seat. All Repricer users have immediate access to Amazon Belgium on launch day. Add Amazon Belgium today on your Channel Screen.

New Improved Onboarding

Getting started with Repricer has never been easier with our brand-new onboarding experience.

New trials have new rule templates, expanded options to set your Min Max prices, Test Mode for maximum confidence and additional onboarding guidance.

eBay Auto-Assign Rule Min Max

Repricer’s Auto-Assign feature allows you to have your new products automatically assigned to a Repricing Rule and have their Minimum and Maximum prices set based on your desired formula. 

Already available for Amazon, this fantastic timesaver has now been made available for eBay users. Learn more about Auto-Assign here.

Order Search and Filters

Is there a better way to judge your Repricer than looking at your Orders? Repricer’s Order screens have been expanded, giving you access to new filters and search options to better understand your orders.

Search Everywhere!

To make finding your products as easy as possible we have added a new search bar to the top of your Repricer account across every screen. Search by Title, SKU or ASIN, everywhere!

Test Mode Indicator and Alert

Ever suffer from that moment when you realize you left something on the stove? With Test Mode, at least Repricer has you covered. Our new Test Mode Indicator and Alert ensures that it’s always at the forefront of your mind and ready to go live – only when you are.

Learn more about Test Mode here.

Amazon Rule Feature - New Scenarios

Repricer has added two new Amazon Repricing Scenarios to help you tune your Repricing Rules. Decide how your product will behave if you have Competitors below your Minimum price, or Competitors that match your Minimum price.

New Repricer Navigation

Exploring Repricer is now easier with our updated navigation, adding new logical categories and making room for exciting new features on the top bar which are coming soon! So stay tuned!

eBay API Upgrades

eBay has updated their API adding a new OAUTH 2.0. At Repricer, we want to ensure your business is front of the queue when new updates are available and so, we have already integrated with this new security standard. Although all these changes are under the hood, in future they will allow us to make our eBay Repricer and Repricer as a whole even better!

Amazon Rule Feature - Sleep Mode

We’ve released a great new Amazon rule feature, Sleep Mode. With Sleep Mode you can pause your Repricing between set hours and even push your price to your Maximum. This is great for pulling up your competitors and ensuring you are at MAP price within specific hours.

Learn more about Sleep Mode here.

Amazon Rule Feature - Out of Stock to Max

Want to ensure that your products never sell at a loss, even after they’re out-of-stock and Repricer is no longer Repricing?

Use Repricer’s new Amazon Out of Stock to Max feature to set your products to their Maximum price when they go out of stock. This way if your costs raise significantly when new stock is available, you’ll ensure your product starts to reprice at a higher level and come down from there.

Learn more about our Out of Stock to Max feature here.

eBay Repricing History

Keep on top of your eBay repricing history with our new Repricer Activity log for eBay. Track every reprice, when it happened, your competitor’s prices and why Repricer repriced your products the way it did!

Now yet using eBay Repricing? Learn more about it here.

Repricer Newsletter

Keep in the know with Repricer’s new Newsletter!

Each week the Repricer Newsletter will land in your inbox, letting you know how Repricer has been working specifically for you with some suggestions on how you can make extra money from features you’re currently not using.

eBay Test Mode

Test Mode allows you to, well, test repricing and get set up without impacting your live Marketplace(s). When you’re ready you can exit Test Mode and start sending prices directly to eBay. We’ve added this powerful feature for our eBay users to use today. 

Learn more about Test Mode here.

& Much, Much More!

Repricer is constantly making improvements, frontend, and backend. These are just a few of the highlights!

Repricer, be part of it!

At Repricer we put you front and centre of what we develop and how Repricer is improved. Submit your ideas, be they big or small to us below!

See our Privacy Notice for details as to how we use your personal data and your rights.