
5 Habits of Successful Ecommerce People

15 ways to get your first ecommerce sales

We promise, Dr. Phil isn’t behind this RepricerExpress post. But gosh darn it if he doesn’t have a knack for highlighting authors who are able to summarise important lessons in easy-to-read list form, so we’ve decided to take a page out of their book (pun intended).

Habit 1: They Make Every Second Count

We’ll be the first to say that there’s always time in the day for checking email/Facebook/Snapchat/a shiny coin on the floor. But the difference between successful ecommerce merchants and the rest of the world is:

  • The former do that on breaks and then get right back to work
  • The latter do that instead of on breaks and then returning to their work.

Wasting time is pretty much a straight line to being unsuccessful. There’s nothing wrong in indulging in distractions, but if you want to be successful, do this: look at ecommerce like your job and dedicate 100% of your attention to it, and create distance between that and distractions.

Habit 2: They’re Masters Instead of Jacks-of-all-Trades

Look at some of the most successful people in history: Michelangelo, Einstein, Shakespeare, etc. Now, think of what they did for a living. Michelangelo painted and sculpted, Einstein studied physics, and Shakespeare wrote. While their talents certainly could have led them to success in other areas, they devoted themselves entirely to their respective trades.

Successful ecommerce people do the same by focusing their attention and energy into one area, making that flame of attention shine white-hot instead of all the colours of the rainbow.

Habit 3: They Don’t Forget to Take a Break

We’re not going to contradict our previous point, but rather add on to it. Successful people know that they need to have balance in their lives instead of making their entire lives just about one thing. What if the worst case scenario happens and you’re not able to continue in your stream anymore? It won’t be as devastating if you have other interests and hobbies to deflect the pain.

Cultivate your relationships. Pick up hobbies and skills. Go out and take part in events. Read about what’s going on in the world. Sleep well eat healthily. And above all else, don’t take your work to bed with you.

Habit 4: They Grow Their Minds Along with Their Bodies

We talked about some ways you can create good balance in your life, but we thought one of the most important ways to do that deserved a paragraph of its own: exercise. Now, before you start thinking you’ve got no time for it or don’t want to become an athlete, hear us out. Getting a little fitter has benefits that extend far outside your body. A Swedish study showed a half-hour of exercise five times a week led to increased productivity.

Okay, you might be thinking you don’t have that half-hour to spare. But let’s pull apart the numbers to show that you do. One of the most common formulas people use when finding out what intensity they should be exercising at is this:

  • 220 minus (your) age = maximum heart rate
  • Maximum heart rate – resting heart rate = target heart rate

Let’s say you’re 30 years of age and have a resting heart rate right in the middle of the spectrum, 80. You’re maximum heart rate will be 190, and your target heart rate will be 110. If you get your half-hour of exercise within that range of 110-190 beats per minute, you’re reaching your goal. You can make your exercise be anything you want, whether it’s fast-walking/running on a treadmill, cycling, chasing after kids, Zumba in front of your laptop or playing fetch with the dog. Just hit that range for half an hour a day (or 2.5h a week), and you’ll be feeling good about yourself in more ways than one.

See, we did it! No cheesy Dr. Phil-like analogies (although, if you’re feeling hard done by, here are a bunch for you). Nah, we’d rather stick to solid truths that just plain make sense, like how using RepricerExpress is that secret sixth habit of successful ecommerce people. But being successful starts with being smart, which is why our beloved readers know that their first 15 days are free when they sign up now!

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