
Expert Tips for Using the Amazon Escalation Process

Amazon escalation process

Suspension expert and former Amazonian, Chris McCabe has written a great blog on Web Retailer covering when and how sellers should use the Amazon escalation process.

What is the Amazon Escalation Process?

The Amazon escalation process is used by suspended sellers to have their Plan of Action (POA) reviewed by a team higher up in Amazon’s ecosystem such as the Executive Seller Relations team.

Sellers using the escalation process who have their POA rejected need to make a strong case why their appeal should be reviewed again.

As Chris states, “don’t go straight to Jeff and pester him with daily emails”. You’ll lose time, sales and damage your chances of being reinstated.

Another mistake sellers make is escalating their appeal too soon instead of focusing on making their POA stronger first.

An escalation requires two documents: a comprehensive and viable Plan of Action and an escalation letter that draws attention to each major point included that the investigator has missed.

Key Elements of a Successful Escalation

1. Focus first on what you’re sending and not where you’re sending it. The where is the easy part, the what is more difficult and more important.

2. Specifically, ask in your escalated appeal for a “senior investigator or Seller Performance manager” to review your newly revised POA. You are escalating your appeal, so it gets fresh consideration, not simply to complain.

3. Make sure the main two or three actions that prove your POA islegitimate standout. Explain that Seller Performance may have failed to appreciate the value of the measures you’ve put in place and detail them again, clearly, for the Executive Seller Relations team to review.

Final Thoughts

It’s totally understandable that when you’re suspended, you want to be reinstated as soon as possible — but before you start firing off escalation emails, take a breath and check your POA thoroughly to ensure it as strong as possible before escalating your appeal.

Read the full article from Chris McCabe on Web Retailer

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