
How to Increase Sales When You Have the Amazon Buy Box

Product pricing on Amazon

At RepricerExpress, we’ve talked before about how you can win the Amazon Buy Box. But what do you do next once you have it or a share of it? How do you capitalise on it to further increase your sales? We’ll take a look at the steps you can take to make the most out of a well-fought win.

Refine Your Keywords and Listing Description

You might think that your keywords and description must be pretty good if they’ve earned you a Buy Box. And they have, don’t get us wrong. But one of the worst things you can do is rest on your laurels and not change a thing.

Instead, pretend you have to rewrite things to compete anew. Your aim is to further increase your visibility so you can show off the Buy Box to even more buyers, and make it super easy for them to complete a purchase.

For titles, you get 50 characters to include the product’s brand, line, colour, size, material, or any other key feature; make sure to place the most relevant ones first and make sure that it’s readable. For your product description, use bullets for extra readability — and don’t forget the call-to-action at the end of it.

Redo Your Product Photos

You might have the best-written product description and title on the marketplace, but if you don’t have good photos, few people will click further on your page to read just how amazing your offer is. See how many of the following criteria you can meet:

  • Hi-res images, not something that’s small, like 200KB. Should be at least 1000×1000 pixels for adequate zoom.
  • Clear lighting, preferably natural light. Learn about the direction of lighting techniques.
  • White or neutral background.
  • Multiple angles.
  • Brand clearly visible, if selling a private label brand.
  • Relevant product details, if they’re on the product itself.
  • The image fills at least 4/5 of the frame.
  • The product is shown in use, if relevant.

Start Using a Repricer

Anticipate that your Buy Box is going to result in increased sales, and use a repricer to help you maximise your profits. If you try and cut corners by repricing yourself, chances are almost 100% that you won’t do as good a job as repricing software.

Think of it this way: if you can get a program to take care of pricing rules for you, that frees up your time to better your other metrics so you can further stay ahead of your competitors that way. This becomes a self-fulfilling cycle where you leverage your Buy Box into greater and faster sales.

Focus On Customer Reviews

We’ve covered a couple of important areas so far, but another crucial one is customer reviews. This follows in the same vein as the reasoning behind using repricing software: the more you sell, the more reviews you can get. And the more (positive) reviews listed on the product page, the more people will want to buy the product.

If you can focus on getting as many reviews as possible, and having as many of them be at least 4 stars, then you really increase your chances of getting to the top of Amazon’s search results. And by doing that, you’ve made it as good as you can of getting more sales.

But while getting plenty of good reviews is important, it’s just as important to act on negative reviews (whether that’s getting them removed or reaching out to the buyer so they can be changed). This can be a rather finicky thing to do, so we recommend going with Amazon feedback software to keep things easy, professional, and consistent.

Differentiate Yourself From the Crowd

Lastly, do what you can to breed customer loyalty. Shoppers want to feel like they’re buying from a person, and they’ll spend more money on the same thing if you make them feel valued. For the majority of products, people can get the same thing from many sources, so it comes down to how special the experience is that’ll keep them coming back.

I recently had to get the timing belt replaced on my car in an emergency situation. The mechanic I ended up going with was so patient and good at explaining things, he’s now my regular mechanic, even though I can find cheaper prices elsewhere. And that’s because he makes me feel like a person and not just a number. Do the same for your buyers and you’ll have a customer for life.

Final Thoughts

We’ve just outlined five different ways you can maximise the visibility and efficiency of your Buy Box, but if we had to pick just one of the strategies, it would be to go with repricing software. Because even if you don’t have a Buy Box, it’s still an excellent option to go head-to-head with your competitors and free up your time for other areas of business. And we don’t know if you heard, but you can start off with a 15-day free trial when you sign up right now!

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