
Understanding Online Shopping Gender Differences

Online shopping gender differences

Third-party sellers and FBA merchants already have a leg up by selling their inventory on a huge marketplace, but the work’s not done yet. It’s not enough to simply stock up your inventory with popular products, reprice them, and flesh everything out with pretty images and top keywords — you’ve got to know who will be most interested in your merchandise and how to market accordingly. For instance, did you know that marketing general products to women will have a higher response rate than if you use male-oriented language? Read on to find out what else we here at RepricerExpress have unearthed about online shopping gender differences.

Who’s More Apt to Click on the Buy Box?

There’s still a gap between the genders, although it’s closing rapidly. Depending on who you read or even what month you read the news in, the difference can be anywhere from 57% women/52% men making an online purchase in the last year, or 72% women/68% men earlier this year.

You May Want to Consider…

…putting out a targeted email campaign if you want to draw more women than men, such as if your inventory consists of items women are more typically liable to buy. Women are almost twice as likely as men (14% to 8%) to respond with a purchase if they receive a marketing email from your store.

Mobile Matters when it Comes to Shopping, Too

One of the best things about having a smartly-designed mobile site — and app! — is you’re casting a much larger net, which tends to mean more hits are converted to purchases (always why you should exploit Amazon’s mobile structure by being a third party seller).

The trends are reversed, with both numbers close to each other, when it comes to mobile purchases. Just under a quarter of men (22.4%) purchase items on their smartphones, while a little less than one in five (18.2%) of women do the same.

You May Want to Consider…

…making your advertising specifically mention tablets. While there’s still not a huge gap between the genders, targeting the 20.4% of men who buy things online with their tablets is still a smart bet, especially when considering just 16.9% of women do the same.

Now, Which Gender is Willing to Shell Out the Big Bucks?

We’ll give you a bit of time so you can turn to your friend and wager a coffee over the following three questions:

  • Which gender is more likely to spend $1,000 to $2,500 on an item, and which gender is content to keep it between $100 to $500?
  • Which gender tends to wait until the product they want is on sale?
  • Which gender believes more strongly in using coupons to save more money on a purchase?


Well, you may either have three coffees lined up or be ready to treat for the next week, because here are the answers:

  • Men are the big spenders when it comes to their most costly purchase, while women don’t go nearly as overboard when shopping online.
  • 71% of women reported the last thing they bought was on sale, and only 57% of men could say the same.
  • No surprise here, as 34% of women use coupons, compared to 26% of men.

Just Announced: The Most Popular Shopping Channels

Get ready to give yourself a hearty pat on the back if you’re a third-party seller on Amazon, because that means you can use just about any marketing language you like and reach both genders fairly equally.

eBay sees a slight gender difference, with 47% of women using that site for their shopping needs and 53% of men finding it better suited for their purposes. And in what is perhaps the least surprising factoid so far, 80% of women use Etsy and only 20% of men do so.

You’re a lot better off for simply being an online retailer, reading RepricerExpress, and taking careful note of this article. But you know what can take you to the next level? Using our repricing software so you can always be competitive without having to stay up all hours of the night. Try our 15-day free trial today, and earn a fourth coffee from your friend when he sees how much better off your sales are with it.


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